Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Earthquake in Hawaii!!

Well we had quite a weekend in the islands. We traveled to the island of Oahu and while we were there we had an earthquake. 6.6..pretty big for hawaii. It caused a statewide blackout and all of the airports were closed...we got stuck there. Due to all this craziness my new website won't be up for a bit:( I'm hoping to have some engagment photos to post soon. My sis and I are doing a craft fair in November with our jewelry..check it out.. www.jonarablumaui.com
I may try to sell some photo greeting cards of my macro flowers just to see how it goes...

1 comment:

Jonara Blu Maui said...

wow..you have been keeping up on your blog! Good girl :) My sis inlaw just got on my back for not adding anythign for a month..so I quick added a few pics tonight..but now i'm tired..so I will add your link next time ;-)

Oh and you need to go in to your properties and set the thing that makes commenters have to type in a code..forget what it's called..but that way you wont' get spam comments..they are very irritating :\